Rain - It is the #1 mobility scooter killer in Singapore, yet there are so many users who are still driving it in the rain. We tell ALL our customers that mobility scooters are not rain-proof, so for those that don't follow our advice, we're not sure whether they are just forgetful or plain stubborn.
This scooter came back to us last month in horrible condition. Dust and mud everywhere, battery contacts rusted badly. It has obviously been driven in heavy rain, more than once.
Yes, we keep touting our Spitfire Scout mobility scooter as a super-reliable scooter, with very low breakdown rate, and able to take abuse. But even such a solid machine can only take this much abuse.
In fact, this case is a testament to the Scout's robustness. It took an 10 months of serious water abuse before the machine finally broke down and actually encountered stoppages.
So if you own a mobility scooter, please consider bringing along a scooter cape. It DOES NOT make your scooter rain-proof, but it will be very helpful if you get caught outside in one of those downpours that last more than an hour.
It's like insurance; it's better to have it and never get the chance to use it, than to be caught without it when you really need it.